Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We're moving!

It's been a while since I last attempted to blog! Hopefully I'll get better at this thing! We have bought a house and are so excited(house hunting took a lot more time, energy, and patience than I ever imagined it would!!). We close on March 28th! It is a new house and they are just finishing the finishing touches on construction! The down side: MUD!! and lots of it with the snow mostly melted and no grass planted! My two little boys seem to be automatically drawn to mud and puddles when they are outside. They are excited to move into a house of our own, too. They have been sharing a room for a couple months and they are ready for their own space again! We are eager for spring to arrive - they ask almost daily to go out and play. Cass loves to ride his bike and it is finally warm enough he sometimes can! Blake still likes pushing his tonka truck. Our neighbors laugh that he has put many miles on his truck, even in the snow!! Richard enjoys his job. He likes the feel of a smaller company. He is looking forward to planting season when he will really get to know the potato planters and be exposed to how they really work in the fields! I am busy trying to keep up with everyone and have at least a little order in our lives! Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don't!